Wednesday 20 July 2011


today ...since my mobile wasn't working..i had it somewhere in my mind and i am used to i woke up suddenly and had no track of time and the only way was  to turn on the laptop and i found the time to be 7 i kept on sleeping and finally left the bed at 8:25.brushed teeth in hurry ...ran to mess and took parantha worker was giving me 2 parathas  but i took only 1..when i finished it...i felt like taking 1 more but i dint take and i came back to room...rushed to toilet and took was very hot..went to class all's been pretty boring for me not having any close friends in my section....i missed chhotu,mahender a lot.
teacher was already there ..i took my seat.teacher said that he'll start the course from next week and asked us to read anything we like..later he asked for our introduction...i was like omg! what now.i was sitting on the very last bench..i rushed to the next bench doubting if he'll start fucking from the last bench.he was asking our hobbies, strong points and weak points.....hard working,punctual,optimistic and what not......short tempered,bad at management,postponement ...were common among weaknesses...finally it was my turn..i could feel my heartbeat.i had already written some points on the backside of my notebook...optimistic i liked,then i wrote honest, (i felt that if i said i am honest it will definitely make others laugh)..,punctual,
then i stood up,,..
sir my name is mohit,i am from gurgaon,hobbies are watching and playing badminton,playing and watching cricket...later in evening played badminton and enjoyed it...experienced severe pain in the back side of the head


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